Feature requests
Submit IdeaCreate a basic theme specific for Zion Builder
It is better to have a basic theme built for Zion Builder just like hello elementor theme for elementor plugin. This way we don't load any bloat into the website from others theme. Thanks
Vijay#Improvement 👍14
Woocommerce improvements
I know thay some of them are in your roadmap, but I really need these to have full functional eshop sites: widgets: Cart Total Product Categories Mini Cart or/and off-canvas cart or / and menu cart Recent Viewed Products Product Quick View Pages Checkout page builder Cart page builder Account page builder Thank you page builder
Stefan#Improvement 👍#Integrations 🔗32
Deep Meta Box Integration
Add deep meta box integration
Nicola Mihaita16
Built-in Form Builder / Form Element
Please consider building the form element so we can easily create a form with the same style. We do not depend on any third-party plugins. Thank you
Sulham S8
Element display conditions
For complex websites, we need the ability to set element display conditions based on various fields or info ( number of comments, if a dynamic field is empty or not, etc )
Stefan#Improvement 👍15
Form builder
Many page builders (such as Themeum WP Page Builder which I am coming from) come with a ready-to-use form builder. I'd love to see such a feature in ZionBuilder so you don't need third-party plug-ins that impact your site's speed.
Tobias W#Improvement 👍#Deal Breaker 💔7
Add Lottie element (Animation)
Lottie file size is small yet beautiful animation, please consider to add it in your library, thank you!
Yves#Improvement 👍#Integrations 🔗7
Accessibility improvements for WCAG and ADA Compliance
Make elements, and in particular nav elements, WCAG and ADA compliant. Very important to avoid lawsuits risk, on serious production websites. As well as, of course, letting all users navigate our websites easily.
Maxime D#Improvement 👍#Deal Breaker 💔15
Advanced query builder Like Oxygen builder
Advanced query builder same like oxygen builder Thanks
kane w#Deal Breaker 💔3
Export website in html
It will be great if we export my complete website in static html file.
Robin#Styling 🎨#Integrations 🔗#Misc 🤷11
Reflect Page Design in Zion to Gutenberg
Make Zion's builder compatible with Gutenberg.
Jornes S#Integrations 🔗7
Post Grid with Load More Funcionality and Post Timeline
For ease of use I would like to have two elements for Blogpost Lists: Post Grid with Load More Functionality: https://essential-addons.com/elementor/post-grid/ Post Timeline with Load More Functionality: https://essential-addons.com/elementor/post-timeline/ Optional it would be great to have some filtering functionality for the grid, like a filter for latest posts, author, or a specific category.
Stefan#Improvement 👍6
Copy/Paste elements (or group of elements) between pages
Problem Currently we can only copy/paste elements (or group of elements) in the same page, which is quite limited. I want to be able to Copy/Paste elements (or group of elements) between pages like in Elementor.
Do D#Improvement 👍3
Mobile Menu and Off Canvas Menu & Header Row/Header Builder with Shrink functionality
In Order to have better Menu options, I would like to have a Mobile Menu with different modification Options and an Off-Canvas Menu like the Blocksy. It also would be good to have a Header Row/Header Builder with Shrink finctionality.
Stefan#Improvement 👍9
Dynamic Data Insertion in Text Field for Multiple Words in a single Sentence
Insertion of Dynamic data in multiple words in a single sentence is a basic feature that should exist. Here is an example you can find. https://www.facebook.com/groups/zionbuildercommunity/posts/507058717385932/ This benefits every power user who uses dynamic website. Thank you
Vijay#Improvement 👍6